What Exactly is ADHD?

According to a 2016 study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 6.1 million have been diagnosed with ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If you suspect that your child has ADHD, you can consult with your pediatrician here at White Oaks Pediatrics in Raleigh, NC, for an ADHD diagnosis and early intervention.

Despite the increasing cases of ADHD, however, it’s still a very misunderstood condition that’s gaslighted by myths like “adults can’t have ADHD” and “you are not hyper, so you cannot have ADHD." The fact is that ADHD is a very complex condition with various symptoms that can persist or morph throughout adulthood. With that said, below are some ADHD FAQs to help you learn more about the condition.

What Exactly is ADHD?

According to the DSM-V, ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized by a chronic pattern of impulsivity or hyperactivity and/or inattention that significantly impacts development and executive functioning. Its symptoms typically manifest in several settings, like home, school, and work, or in relationships, which interfere with occupational, social, personal, and/or academic functioning.

What Are The Symptoms and Types of ADHD?

  • Primarily Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD: Individuals who have this ADHD type usually squirm, fidget, and greatly struggle to stay still. They typically have a hard time controlling their selves, often blurt out answers, and interrupt others. Likewise, they seem to act like they’re driven by a motor so they move/run and/talk incessantly.
  • Primarily Inattentive ADHD: Individuals who have inattentive ADHD commonly make mistakes since they struggle to maintain attention, organize activities and tasks, and follow detailed directions. They’re excessively forgetful, usually lose things, and are distracted easily by external stimuli.
  • Combined ADHD: Individuals in this category present six or more characteristics of impulsivity and hyperactivity as well as characteristics of inattention.

What is The ADHD Diagnosis Like?

Although there’s no single test used for diagnosing ADHD, your pediatrician in Raleigh, NC, will perform several interviews, evaluations, and assessment tools to determine whether or not an individual has ADHD.

Is ADHD Curable?

ADHD isn’t curable, but is treatable and manageable, given the right supports and accommodations. This means that even if your child is under treatment, he or she will still have ADHD, but will be able to control the negative symptoms of ADHD. In this light, a proper and continuous treatment that involves stimulant prescription medicines, proper therapies, and lifestyle modifications is a must.

Reach Out to Us For More Details, Concerns, Questions, or Advice on ADHD

Book an evaluation here at White Oak Pediatrics in Raleigh, NC, by calling (919) 787-0266.

White Oak Pediatrics


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