Is Your Child Showing Signs of ADHD?

ADHD affects millions of children and could very well be the reason that your child is struggling to focus in class. It’s important that you’re able to identify some of the symptoms of ADHD so that you’ll be able to take your child in for a diagnosis as soon as possible. Your child’s pediatricians at White Oak Pediatrics in Raleigh, NC, can help explain the common signs of ADHD and help you discover if your child may be struggling with it.

What Does ADHD Look Like?

ADHD can affect each person in completely different ways. There are some common signs that your pediatrician in Raleigh, NC, can tell you to look out for with ADHD. These signs include:

  • Inability to focus on one thing
  • Difficulties listening to or hearing others
  • Disorganization
  • Being lazy and procrastinating
  • Talking at inappropriate times
  • Fidgeting
  • Forgetfulness

ADHD can affect each child in different ways and is usually associated with a lack of impulse control. It’s important to take your child to their pediatrician for diagnosis to make sure that you can help improve their quality of life and help them start focusing on other aspects of their lives again.

ADHD can be treated in different ways and is normally treated with a variety of therapies. Your child’s pediatrician may recommend changing your child’s diet to start avoiding sugar and diet. They also may recommend medication to help balance your child’s mind. Behavioral therapies can also make a difference in how your child manifests their ADHD and can help them manage their symptoms easily.

Contact Your Child’s Pediatrician Today!

It’s time to find out if your child is struggling with ADHD. Contact your child’s pediatricians at White Oak Pediatrics in Raleigh, NC, to learn about dealing with ADHD and how it can be treated. Call for more information today at (919) 787-0266.

White Oak Pediatrics


4414 Lake Boone Trail,
Suite 103,
Raleigh, NC 27607


7:30 am - 5:00 pm


7:30 am - 5:00 pm


7:30 am - 5:00 pm


7:30 am - 5:00 pm


7:30 am - 5:00 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm



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